Tricia Downing is a dynamic disability advocate who is passionate about building communities, creating a sense of belonging and empowering organizations to include disability in the diversity conversation.


Resilience Through the Cycle of Hope
It would be an ideal world if we could control when and where we take on challenges in our lives. But in the real world, challenge and change usually take us by surprise. Your reaction and ability to deal with these occurrences may be the difference between prospering or letting life get the best of you. How can you become more resilient in the face of adversity?

Discover Your Inner Champion
After surviving a near-fatal accident and becoming paralyzed from the chest down, Tricia Downing had a choice to make—sit on the sidelines or embrace her new situation and move forward. She chose the latter and became a world-class athlete. In her presentations she motivates audiences to make the right choices in attitude to get through difficult times. She teaches audiences to reach further, take smarter risks and to persevere in the face of heartache, challenge and change.
Tricia shares the secrets to leading the pack and maximizing your potential so you too, can be world-class every day.

Roll With Me
Every day, people with disabilities are judged and typecast in a societal role without opening their mouths or being given an opportunity to display their thoughts, talents or a glimpse of life from where they stand (or sit). How are common misconceptions and low expectations detracting from the abilities and assets of those who may navigate the world in different ways? What talents are we leaving on the table when we don’t include people with disabilities in mainstream activities or our greater society? Diversity is a topic prevalent in our media and conversations today, but disability is often neglected as we look to a more inclusive society. Learn how you can begin to understand the experience of disability and become inspired to think differently.

Denver Disability Network
The Denver Disabilities Network is a quarterly event featuring speakers, workshops, and the sharing of best practices for disability inclusion. The goal is to bring together interested stakeholders from around the country. By highlighting the skills and talents of people with disabilities, an open discussion of the best practices and desired outcomes between all parties can take place.

Designing with Disability in Mind

The Power of Choice

True Biz